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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Firmware Update R2BA026 – WI-FI Bug

Un update de firmware til Xperia X10 care pe langa sporirea performantelor si ajutarile de design in interfata grafica, readuce si un bug mai vechi al Sony-Ericsson Xperia X10. Problema pierderii semnalului si deconectarii subite a wireless-ului. Dupa ce semnalul mobile ajunge la 0, automat se dezactiveaza si WI-FI-ul.

Cum aceata problema nu era de ajuns, noul update de firmware mai are un bug la setarile de volum in timpul apelului. Daca primim un apel si modificam volumul, la finalul apelului acesta se va automat la 50%.


Utilizatorii care sunt deranjati de aceste doua bug-uri ale R2BA026, au doua variante. Sa astepte pana Sony-Ericsson vor lansa un nou update de firmware care sa rezolve aceste doua probleme, sau sa revina la un firmware mai vechi, in care bug-ul de WI-FI a fost rezolvat.

3 Kommentarer

  1. salut moi j’aimerais savoir plus sur mon sony ericsson w800 i pour cela j’ai besoin de votre aide

  2. hello, please help me and more me with a problem I have an xperia x10 and I had Android 2.1 on it, after some time I installed 2.3.3, flash program tool, over some time I wanted to install android 4 Ice Cream Sandwich and we did, then I tried to go back to 2.3.3 and I appeared “only the number of urgentza” so not getting orange card, phone was now as coded. I struggled three days to bring it back with the same program flash tool and I finally did, the fact is that I did not know how I clicked on it “root” .. “Unroot” “debranding” …. blah blah. Now I try and get them to update the same thing happened and I, that I coded. So I can put 2.1 and 2.3.3 but I coded software, I see something like “WARN – This file is Ignored: simlock.ta ‘when installing this software … Please more who can give me some guidelines …

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