ERROR [226] : FLASH WRITE (Fix Error – Tutorial) – HTC
ERROR [226] : FLASH WRITE este o eroare care apare la foarte multe smartphone-uri HTC dupa mai multe Ažuriraj-uri / instalari de ROMs.
Este o eroare destul de grava care poate fi generata de o permisiune de scriere a unor fisiere pe partitia sistemului de operare (OS Partition) sa de o eroare de hard.
Rezolvare eroare ERROR [226] : FLASH WRITE – HTC DIAMONDs
1. Download MTTY.
2. Intrati in bootloader. Tineti apasat butonul de volum-jos de pe partea stanga a telefonului, butonul Power (cel de sus) si restartati device-ul folosind stylus-ul (butonul rosu de reset din coltul dreapta-jos al device-ului. Este vizibil numai dupa ce scoateti stylus).
3. Deschideti Windows Mobile Device Center, mergeti la Mobile Device Settings > Connection Settings.
Aici odznačiti optiunea "Allow USB connections", apoi click pe OK pentru a salva modificarile.
4. Deschideti MTTY, selectati Port: USB , Baud: 11500 si apasati Enter.
5. In MTTY scrieti urmatoarele linii de comanda. Dupa fiecare linie de comanda apasati Enter.
– task 32
– task 28
– task 2A
– info 8
– task 8
6. Acum urmati pasii normali pentru a instala un HTC ROM (reflash HTC). De preferat este sa avem ROM-ul original al HTC.
Bootloader Commands / MTTY
task 32 – check security level
task 28 – reformat your os partition
task 2A – check for bad blocks
info 8 – get info
task 8 – reboot / restart.
I had bricked my touch pro2 cdma verizon with a wrong gsm hspl tool and revived it with a riffbox installing a custom rom as i wasn’t able to flash a stock rom (get freezed in htc white page).
My complaint is that after flashing the custom rom i realized that i can no longer make a hardreset to my phone????? when ever i try i get into boot mode and blink with a phrase ((no image file )) for one second then back to the boot image again and stuck there. trying to flash the new stock rom No. MR3 with radio 2.37.00wv and it freeze at 0% and then the error 226 flash write.
i tried out what you suggest but unfortunately without success. same problem.
i have the same problem
the MTTY couldnt run, it shows: “com port can not open”