Cele mai urmărite articole
Secret Codes for SAMSUNG – Samsung Phone Secret Codes.
Samsung secret codes to change phone settings, network settings and access hidden options.
Android @Google
What's new in Android 14 Beta 1
Until we see the final version of Android 14, which will be available sometime towards the end of June, let's see…
Android @Google
New rumors confirm that the Samsung Galaxy S8 will have a large screen
Ramas sa umple locul lasat liber de Galaxy Note 7, compromis definitiv dupa ce a fost retras de doua ori de…
Daca sunteti posesorul unui telefon mobil cu Android 4.+ si nu puteti sa trimiteti mesaje text (SMS-uri) din reteaua Vodafone…
What's New
WhatsApp Messenger: Send Text Messages on WhatsApp via Siri Voice Commands
WhatsApp Messenger recently received an important update for iPhone users who are familiar with Siri's voice commands.
iOS @Apple
Fix Slow Camera On iPhone 7 & iPhone 7 Plus
Noile modele iPhone 7 si iPhone 7 Plus au adus cu ele si una dintre cele mai performante camere de…
Android @Google
How can we open and edit Office Word, Excel and PowerPoint files (doc, docx, ppt, xls, xlsx, pptx, pdf) on Android phones.
Smartphone-uri precum Samsung Galaxy S2, Samsung Galaxy S3, Google Nexus 7, HTC ONE S, HTC ONE X, au ecrane suficient…
iOS @Apple
Enable WhatsApp Dark Mode on iOS / iPhone
In toamna lui 2018, Apple a dat tonul pentru Dark Mode pe sistemele de operare. S-a inceput odata cu lansarea…
Cum putem recupera parola unui card microSD pentru telefonul mobil
Daca aveti un card microSD caruia i-ati uitat parola de acces via mobil, nu este cazul sa va resemnati si…
Mobile Apps
How to record WhatsApp Video Call with Audio on iOS and Android
WhatsApp is by itself the biggest chat application at the moment, being used on a large scale both for...
iOS @Apple
iOS 15 / iPadOS 15 Original Wallpapers Download
Apple presented at WWDC 2021 the news that will be introduced on the iPhone, iPad and Mac with future versions...
BitTorrent Sync, the app of the week for Android, iOS and Windows Phone
Presented for the first time about two years ago, the solution for synchronizing and transferring files, BitTorrent Sync has reached the stage...
Google Translate for Animals (translate animal language)
Pe langa cel mai cunoscut tool de traducere online, Google Translate, Google lanseaza o provocare. Google Translate pentru animale. Acest…
Android @Google
How to transfer files (photos, clips, documents) via Bluetooth between an Android smartphone and Mac OS X
Bluetooth is a technology that appeared long before smartphones, and has been integrated into smart phones since the beginning. Enable…
Android @Google
Delete Hangouts photos from your Android phone photo gallery and Google account
Hangouts este serviciul de messenger al Google, care inlocuieste cu succes de cativa ani vechiul Gtalk. Putin folosit in anumite…
Certificate Error – Solving the problem when installing Themes, Games and applications
Certificate Error este o problema care da batai cap multor posesori de telefoane mobile, in special celor care au NOKIA.…
iOS @Apple
How to delete or change a bank card on iPhone, iPod touch or iPad
Toti posesorii de iPhone, iPod touch sau iPad au creat un cont Apple atunci cand au initializat device-ul pentru prima data. Apple…