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BlackBerry Venice, a possible BlackBerry smartphone with Android operating system

Se pare ca o imagine inedita, in care putem vedea un smartphone BlackBerry ruland the operating system Android, a iesit la suprafata, iar de data aceasta este vorba despre un terminal diferit de modelul Passport. Acesta pare sa aiba un design aparte, cu un ecran curbat, mare, cu raport de aspect 16:9, foarte asemanator cu un telephone prezentat de catre renumita companie in luna martie a acestui an.

Noul model poarta denumirea de BlackBerry Venice, nume care a mai aparut in trecut in documente scapate in mediul online de catre companie. Daca intr-adevar este vorba despre acel terminal, display-ul curbat ar putea ascunde chiar si o tastatura fizica. BlackBerry a prezentat un asemenea dispozitiv cu design “slider”, but, at the time, it seemed to be based on the operating system BB OS 10 and not on Android. If this image is authentic, it is very possible that the Canadian producer of smartphone-uri to have changed the direction of this terminal mobil since its official unveiling.

Unfortunately, not many details can be observed from the available image and there is no information about its technical equipment, but it can be observed un port micro-USB, a 3.5 mm audio jack and a grille for speaker and microphone, in its lower part. Speculations and information coming through unofficial channels about a smartphone BlackBerry cu Android par sa se inmulteasca, ceea ce, in mod normal, ar sugera un anunt iminent din partea companiei. Totusi, pana la confirmarea oficiala nu putem sti cu certitudine ce planuri are BlackBerry for modelul Venice.

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