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Ce trebuie sa faci ca sa functioneze Viber pe reteaua Vodafone Romania …

Asa cum am scris cu ceva timp in urma, este un serviciu dedicat smartphone-urilor iOS (iPhone, iPad) si Android care ne permite sa sunam si sa trimitem mesaje gratuit, oriunde in lume. Atat pentru mesagerie cat si pentru voce, Viber foloseste pachete de date (Wi-Fi sau internet mobil 3G). Mai exact, ca sa putem apela un prieten pe Viber, trebuiesc indeplinite doua conditii. Sa avem Viber instalat pe Android sau iPhone si sa fim conectati la Internet.

Daca nu suntem intr-o zona cu acces Wi-Fi putem folosi pachetele de date ale operatorilor de telefonie mobila, si in mod normal ar trebui sa mearga fara probleme. Ma refer aici la cei care au cartele prepay sau abonamente cu internet (3G)  inclus.
Pe Orange si Cosmote, toate bune si frumoase, insa pe Vodafone exista o problema. Nici Viber si nici Skype nu pot fi folosite din reteaua Vodafone Romania, chiar daca avem un pachet de date inclus in abonament. Eu am un abonament la Vodafone cu 500 MB trafic internet inclus, insa am observat ca daca ies din aria de acoperare a unei retele Wi-Fi, desi sunt conectat prin 3G, Viber-ul devine impracticabil.

Viber service is currently unavailable or being blocked. Please try again later.

Viber - Vodafone Romania

Am sunat la *222 (Relatii Clienti Vodafone) si am primit un raspuns neasteptat. Dupa ce le-am explicat care e problema si ca am impresia ca accesul la Viber si Skype e restrictionat, operatorul mi-a raspuns ca nu este nici o restrictie, doar ca sunt „filtrate” cateva porturi. In termeni mai simplii, filtrarea unui port in scopul de a impiedica accesul la o aplicatie, inseamna fix restrictie. Fapt confirmat ulterior chiar de operator, care mi-a spus ca pentru a avea acces la Viber va mai trebui sa platesc 3.5 Euro in plus, peste abonamentul de voce si internet. Am intrebat surprins daca pentru cei 3.5 Euro mai primesc ceva in plus. Nu, doar acces pentru aplicatiile care folosesc apeluri video si voce, chiar daca aceste aplicatii nu folosesc neaparat tehnologia VoIP a operatorului.

In concluzie, Viber poate fi folosit cu tarife decente si fara extraoptiuni aberante, doar pe Orange si Cosmote (abonament sau prepay). Vodafone au blocat accesul internet pentru aplicatiile care permit apeluri voce si video gratuit.

Download Viber pentru Android si iPhone.

Viber service is currently unavailable or being blocked. Please try again later…. By Vodafone Romania.


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  1. Hi,

    This is an official representative of Viber Media.

    The block you are writing about is known to us – Vodafone Romania has been blocking Viber on their 3G network for almost a year now. Unfortunately there is not much we can do to help :(

    We wonder – in the end, what did you do in order to solve this problem?

    the Viber Team.

  2. the title was kind of ironic: since their restriction is poorly justified (and mostly absurd), our solution is to change the mobile network.

  3. I face the same problem with Vodafone Romania, which they do not give a logic explination. They only ask for more money. I made an internet abonament so that i could use also these applications which now i see that i can’t use. Thus i will drop it. All the best!!!

  4. Si eu am viber, si am optiune la cosmote, webnwalk.. si culmea nu merge viberul.. sa fie oare si la astia restrictionat?

  5. You need to tunnel your connection through VPN with SSL to somewhere where you can use VoIP (home PC, server, some routers, or even rent VPN services).

    Then you need to add the connection

    Settings > More … > VPN > +

    Ta-daaa !

    Or you can use a VPN app like HOTSPOT SHIELD

    Kudos to the Viber team for monitoring the forums and trying to help out.
    One suggestion for the Viber app would be to somehow integrate a VPN solution like this in the app and integrating a debugging screen to help end the omnipresent „Can you hear me ? Is it your internet that sucks or is it mine ?”. You know, speed, pakets, ping, etc, something similar to what Skype has.

    Speaking about Skype, the calls seem to be clearer, crisper than on Viber in the exact conditions, not facing problems like poor sound quality, echoing, microphony problems when on speaker, frequent dropped calls, un-muting a call and having the thing being un-muted.

    One more feature that would be nice to add and should be simple enough is the „Hit enter to send” that is present on KiK.

    Thanks and keep up the good work ! :)

  6. @calugarar –

    Thank you for your compliments – it is our pleasure to be here and assist our users :)

    Both those features you suggested are known user requests, and we might include them in future updates.

    Meanwhile, we invite you to enter our Feature Request page and post your suggestion there, or join an existing similar suggestion. The more people join on a request, the faster it will become reality :)

    You can find it here:

  7. Eu folosesc viber de un an si ceva. Il folosesc cel mai des le wireless. Si merge impecabil. La fel si pe netul de pe cartela. N-am avut nicio problema. Deci vodafone…praf.. Cum spunea cineva mai sus. Schimba reteaua :))

  8. Just to mention that I have the same issue but only with Iphone. With Blackberry everything works nice and fine.

    btw: Viber is available also for Blackberry. I do not what I will do, most probably I will switch to other messaging solution… With Whatsapp is even more tragic as you have to pay for the app (at least for iphone). If I am paying and than is not working this will be really shitty…

  9. @Vlad –


    What problem exactly do you have with Viber on your iPhone?
    Please elaborate so I can help :)

  10. I have an Iphone with a Vodafone RO sim card inside and currently I am in Austria.
    When I have WiFi coverage Viber is working nice and fine. When I have only 3G coverage the messages that I send are not delivered. Incoming messages are sometimes working.

    Same sim card was working fine with Viber when it was in a Blackberry phone.

  11. what I forgot to mention:
    – roaming is under A1 austrian network
    – all other online services are working on 3g: mail (exchange & yahoo), yahoo messenger, etc

  12. Hi Vlad,

    Some mobile operators across the world block Viber on their 3G network. Usually this happens when users have a „simple” data plan (or a prepaid contract), meaning they didn’t pay extra for using VoIP on their 3G network.

    In order to verify this, we recommend to contact your cell company and confirm this with them.

  13. I have been using Viber on VodafoneRo for 2 months now and it worked ….and now it stoped working sudenly…i have deleted and reinstald it but when i insert my phone nr i do not recive any message…it says that the conection is lost or it have been blocked…..why is this happening aftet it worek flawless for 2 months both on wi-fi and 3g?????

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